Mom Guilt, New Careers & Breaking Generational Behaviors w/ Kelsey Horner

Why do moms get the pressure to be 100% of all the things, all the time? We have to be Mom 100% of the time or the Employer/Business owner 100% of the time.

Why can't moms not be both at the same time or have boundaries and not get shamed or feel guilty for it?

In this episode, I interview the photographer, wife, mama, entrepreneur, and my cousin, Kelsey Horner!

Motherhood has changed her life, it opened her eyes to see God's daily blessings and appreciation of family.

She took things from her childhood & growing up into motherhood & how she is raising her daughter.

She shares her story of how she couldn't just be a SAHM.

She is so grateful to be a mom and wanted to be home & have the flexibility to be with her daughter, but she had to work, she had to put her mind on something besides baby toys, breastfeeding, rocking a baby to sleep & repeat.

We talk all about mom guilt & how it looks different for all moms and the different ages of your kids.

Some might judge us for being real & raw talking about kids wearing us out, and needing a little break but I think most, if not all moms will relate to our conversation.

Find Kelsey on IG: @kelseyhonorphoto & @socialsouth_ or

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